Priests in the Baie-des-Chaleurs

Visited: 111 times
August 1924. - Photograph taken in front of the presbytery of Bonaventure and representing Monsignor François-Xavier Ross and his pastoral team between Caplan and Paspébiac.

1st row: parish priest Deschamplain (Caplan), parish priest Bouillon (New Carlisle), Bishop J.-E. Matte, Vicar General, Bishop Ross, Pastor W. Gauthier (Bonaventure), Pastor T. Durette (Paspébiac)

2nd row: parish priest Edmond Plourde (Saint-Elzéar), parish priest Alphonse Miville (Saint-Alphonse), parish priest Fabien Gauthier (Saint-Siméon), parish priest Edgar Miville (New Richmond), abbot Alcidas Bourdages, new priest 3rd row: Abbé Alexis Dufrêne, Secretary of the Bishop, Elias Litalien (Saint-Jules) and Fr. Henri Grenier, Vicar (Bonaventure)

Source: Gaspésie Magazine. "Je crois, tu crois, il croit...", volume 50, number 3, November-February 2014, p. 7.

Reference :

Musée de la Gaspésie. Collection du Centre d'archives de la Gaspésie. P57/5a/45/3.

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