Notre-Dame du Mont St. Joseph Oratory, Carleton

Visited: 56 times
17 août 1958. - Negative depicting a crowd gathered around the Oratory of Mount St. Joseph.

This chapel was built in 1935 on the initiative of the parish priest of Carleton, Joseph Plourde. Now a place of pilgrimage, the oratory was enlarged in 1965 by Bishop Charles-Eugène Roy.

For more information: Michel Landry and Laval Lavoie. History of Carleton 1766-1996. Sillery, Septentrion, 1997. 332 pages.

Reference :

Musée de la Gaspésie. Photo: Charles-Eugène Bernard. Fonds Charles-Eugène Bernard et Estelle Allard. P67/B/1b/6/9.

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